Friday, March 13, 2020

The Dead Of Night essays

The Dead Of Night essays "The Dead of Night" by John Marsden possessed very few errors in capturing the reader's attention. Between lacking grammatical error, never "playing a subject out", and keeping the reader attached, this books rating had at least a 7. Although, the story kept me very interested, certain styles the author chose made the events dramatically jump up and down. This was very disturbing, well picked climactic points in the story were uninteresting because of these mistakes. Carefully choosing turning points between events in the end, might have improved and given the reader a better understanding of the book overall. Sometimes "playing the subject out", creates a better affect then constant fluctuation of turning points in the book. John Marsdens style has noticeable similarities in a variety of his books. In this particular one, he used a more serious, first person war type novel. Considering it's a fictional war, John was able to create certain questions in the readers mind. For example, an individual reading might say, "Could this actually happen?". Questions such as those develop a sense of realism in reading the story aside from thinking "It's just a story". All of these factors remained until entering the transitional phase of the book. Once this took place, "The Dead of Night" took a hard fall as far as interest is concerned. Many factors are involved when writing a story, not understanding this is unforgivable. Although, concocting a well planned and thought out fiction/non- fiction story/novel involves limitless devotion. Not being an author personally, It's very hard understanding a writers mentality and or point of view. From my perspective, being the fair reader I am, my direct quote would have to be, "A very catchy beginning, but a shaky ending". ...